Thursday, July 26, 2012

When There is a Conflict Between Our Interpretation of Scripture and Natural Theology (Gordon Lewis)

Gordon R. Lewis
"Given the best efforts at adhering faithfully to sound scientific, historical, epistemological, and hermeneutical principles, we may nevertheless be confronted with contradictory assertions from nature and Scripture. When this happens, the view that is drawn from sound exegesis of Scripture and confirmed by people of varied cultural perspectives throughout the creedal history of the church is the least likely to be the one in error. Even apart from the supernatural inspiration of Scripture, linguistic statements permit greater precision in communication than nonverbal types of communication. We are less likely to misinterpret language on a subject than mere objects or events."
Integrative Theology (Volume 1, p.81)

The Christian Faith as Public Truth

LESSLIE NEWBIGIN The Gospel  in a Pluralist Society The faith is held with universal intent. It is held not as " my personal op...